Ripley Cyclejumble 29 March 2008


This is the first time I went to a ‘cycle jumble’ and I was given a lift by a Veteran Cycle Club Member.

Ripley in Surrey is a famous ‘cycling destination’ or rather a destination they like to pass through. It was also a village that H G Wells mentioned in his book ‘Wheels of Chance’. In fact there is a museum near the Village Hall where there’s some information on him as well and an old cycling game.

I was amazed at how many cyclists turned up. The village hall was packed with stalls and there plenty of stalls outside too. They sold bike parts, books, memorabilia and of course bicycles both new and old. I was determined just to get books even though there were lots of things I liked. I ended up just buying some books, vintage pictures and some really smart gloves (a bargain at £3). The books were a bargain too and some were far too cheap for what they’re worth. I picked up a ‘classic’ cyclist cartoonist book by Helms for example, for only £1. Not bad at all.

One thing I did notice was that there were no bicycle sculptures or gardening ornaments. In fact there were virtually no bicycle ornaments. This was very odd! or even bicycle art stalls. They would have made loads of money. Maybe it was because it ‘s quite ‘male domininated’ – more ‘gadgety’. But hey, us girls like bicycles too and I for one like to hang more works of art in my house .. or even garden.  It would be good to also have some bicycle advocacy stalls, green stalls or cycling club stalls. Maybe the cycle jumble isn’t marketed that well to other groups.

The weather was drizzly at first but later it became sunny.  The atmosphere was friendly but not ‘snooty’. There were loads of blokes there, which was odd, as jumble sales are usually tended by women! I think a lot of women refused to go with them. God knows why, as I really enjoyed it! They don’t know what they’re missing.

Next time I go, I’m going to take more money with me!!

Published in: on March 29, 2008 at 2:25 pm  Leave a Comment  